We pray we will be worthy of Paradise and its blessings. So, worshiping and obeying Allah is not a choice, it is obligatory. It is the cause of saving man from punishment and torment. Man, when fearing any danger or harm, strives with all his might to save himself from such a threat, and certainly there can be no more important fate to prevent than the threat of Hell.
Surely, if man recongnises Allah and believes in Him, his heart will be filled with love of Him, he will want to befriend Him and have a growing attachment to Him. Indeed, this love obliges man to obey and worship Him.
A lover neither angers his beloved nor does anything which dissatisfies him.
Hence, the following are the three reasons which make it compelling for us to thank, worship and obey Allah, the Almighty:
1. The need to thank the Blesser.
2. The need to safeguard oneself against harm in the Hereafter.
3. The love of Allah and being filled with desire to be close to Him.